If you wanted a prime example of the problem with the liberal media’s clear partisan preference for Democratic control, look at CBS This Morning on Monday. Democratic donor and supporter Gayle King’s number one priority when talking to Democrat Stacey Abrams is how will the Democrats win the Senate for Joe Biden?
CBS’s King, who last summer promoted Abrams for vice president, wondered just how to make sure Democrats Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff were going to emerge victorious in the January 5 Senate races: “Listen, you had a record five million people who voted in Georgia, turning this presidential election for the first time in a very long time blue. But this time President Trump and President-Elect Joe Biden are not on the ballot. So how in the world do you keep the momentum going?”
After Abrams responded with a series of liberal agenda items, King showed where her mind is, cheering, “You make a good case for your two candidates.” She worried
But everybody says the turnout is always low when we have these kind of elections and that it’s just an uphill battle to climb even with the candidates that you speak so highly of. [Republicans] Perdue and Loeffler still have a lot of support out there.
King, who donated to Barack Obama and vacationed with the former President, then wondered about the future of her Democratic friend: “Stacey, I know that right now you’re concentrating on this Senate race, but listen, that’s over in January. So what are your plans after that? Will we see Stacey Abrams on the ballot for governor again in the next election?”
On June 10, 2020, the CBS host gossiped, “You know it’s widely reported you’re on the short list for Joe Biden’s VP. We talked about it last time you were here. Clearly you’re very interested. Have you had recent conversations?”
On November 10, 2020 CBS This Morning reporter Mark Strassmann cheered Abrams for not conceding in her 2018 gubernatorial race. He then complained about Donald Trump not conceding in 2020.
The Democratic propaganda on CBS was sponsored by Cadillac and Mercedes Benz. Click on the links to let them know what you think.
A transcript of the questions can be found below. Click “expand” to read more.
CBS This Morning
GAYLE KING: Georgians are starting to hit the polls this morning you see for the first day of early voting for the state’s pivotal senate runoffs. President-Elect Joe Biden will headline a rally there tomorrow to boost support for Democrats Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff. They are looking to unseat incumbent Republican Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue. This is a very significant race because these two runoff elections will determine which party controls the U.S. Senate. Stacey Abrams, a Democrat and founder of the voting rights organization Fair Fight joins us now to discuss. Good morning to you, Stacey Abrams. Good to see you. Big day in Georgia too today as early voting begins.
STACEY ABRAMS: Good morning. We’re very excited.
KING: I was wondering about your excitement. Listen, you had a record five million people who voted in Georgia, turning this presidential election for the first time in a very long time blue. But this time President Trump and President-Elect Joe Biden are not on the ballot. So how in the world do you keep the momentum going?
ABRAMS: Because COVID relief is on the ballot, access to jobs, access to justice, and there’s a very stark contrast between the candidates. We have Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue who profited off of the pandemic, who refused to stand up to Mitch McConnell and demand action on COVID relief as we head into a moment where Georgians face 160,000 evictions. We’ve had 4.1 million job loss claims. One in four businesses, small businesses have shut down during this pandemic. David and Kelly have done nothing. In fact, they have done nothing but cater to Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump instead of fighting for Georgia. But Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff will go to D.C. They will deliver on the promise of COVID relief for gains. They will make certain that communities of color that are facing a disproportionate effect of loss of lives and loss of livelihood that they will have access to the relief that so many people are desperate to have. But what’s even more important to me is that the president of the United States, the incoming president, will have a balanced Senate that he can work with to get things done instead of an avowed obstructionist like Mitch McConnell who has made it his pledge that nothing gets done while Joe Biden is in office.
KING: You make a good case for your two candidates, Stacey. But everybody says the turnout is always low when we have these kind of elections and that it’s just an uphill battle to climb even with the candidates that you speak so highly of. Perdue and Loeffler still have a lot of support out there.
KING: Vice president Pence is urging Republicans to not only vote early but vote by absentee ballots. That certainly is a big turn-around from what we had in the presidential election. Do you think their strategy will work this time? Will make a difference?
KING: Well, the president, as you know, has not conceded the race, certainly hasn’t conceded in Georgia. Republican officials are comparing his refusal to concede to your refusal to concede when you ran for governor of Georgia. Is that a fair comparison?
KING: Stacey, I know that right now you’re concentrating on this Senate race, but listen, that’s over in January. So what are your plans after that? Will we see Stacey Abrams on the ballot for governor again in the next election?…
KING: I’m looking at the future, Stacey Abrams. What does the future hold for Stacey Abrams? I know what you are doing now.
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