Santa Claus is coming to town, but you don’t have to wait until Christmas Eve to hear from Ol’ Saint Nick. While he’s incredibly busy with last-minute touch-ups and making sure everything’s in order in his workshop, you can listen to Santa’s personal voicemail message right now.
For a few years, Santa has allowed children in the United States (and all over the world, if they’ve gotten permission to dial an American area code) to give him a phone call, so they can check in on him ahead of Christmas. Of course, right now, Santa is a little too busy to actually answer the phone himself. So, he left a helpful message for every caller to enjoy.
To contact Santa, you can call (951) 262-3062 and be immediately directed to his “personal hotline.”
When Santa’s pre-recorded message answers the phone, the jolly jingle in his voice is enough to make any skeptic believe in the magic of the season. “Ho ho ho!” Santa says, chuckling. “Merry Christmas! This is Santa Claus and you have reached my personal hotline.”
The message continues with a useful reminder. Santa tells children to obey their parents year-round in order to make it on his “Nice” list. “We have been very busy making all of those toys to deliver on Christmas morning. I want you to know, your family loves you very much, and so do I. So be good, and don’t forget to always listen to your parents.”

Tony Lewis/Getty Images/Getty
If you’re just hearing about Santa’s personal hotline, you’re a little late to the (Christmas) party. Santa Claus’s hotline first debuted in 2009, thanks to the Free Conference Call service. In case you’re wondering, the company is based in California, hence the California area code.
Don’t worry, though. Santa is certainly up in the North Pole. He just accepted a little help from his friends in California to set up the voicemail system.
In 2009, Free Conference Call President Dave Erickson explained why it was so important for children to connect with Santa via the phone. Seeing as there’s less and less of a focus on letter writing in the 21st century, digital connection with the Christmas icon seemed important. “The way that children connect with Santa is evolving and we are excited to help connect today’s next generation of communicators to Santa over the phone,” he said.
Wherever you are this Christmas, Santa Claus is just a phone call away. Even if he can’t answer your call due to the ever-growing pile of presents in his sleigh, you can hear his voice right now by calling the number above.
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