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At least 835 cases of COVID-19 are linked to outbreaks in the Calgary, Edmonton and Red Deer Remand Centres and the Calgary Correctional Centre. Another two cases have been identified among inmates at the medium-security unit of the Drumheller Institution, as of Wednesday.
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‘Very hopeful:’ Planning underway for modified Calgary Stampede in 2021

A world-famous annual rodeo that survived the Great Depression, two world wars and a devastating flood seven years ago was felled by a microscopic virus this year and will have a different look if it’s allowed to go forward in 2021.
Calgary Stampede president Dana Peers says planning is underway, with fingers crossed, to stage the celebration of cowboy life, which brings in a million visitors each year and gives the local economy a $282-million boost.
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Hinshaw provides brief Christmas Eve update
Limited data released by the province on Thursday showed another 1,100 cases of COVID-19 have been identified.
Over the past 24 hours, about 15,600 tests were completed, indicating a positivity rate of about seven per cent.
COVID-19 data was not updated on the government website, so it is unclear how many cases are active. As of Wednesday, there were 17,821.
Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Alberta’s chief medical officer of health shared the updated numbers on social media. There is no updated data on hospitalizations and ICU admissions, but she said they were “increasing” and “stable,” respectively.
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