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Wherever I go in Windsor, I usually see loads of garbage on the ground.
There are things like empty bags of chips, empty cans, water bottles, etc. It is destroying beautiful places in our city such as the Oakwood Centre and Ojibway Park, but people don’t seem to care.
Another example is a ditch in front of Our Lady of Mount Carmel school. There is so much trash in there and it has been there for as long as I can remember. The trash that is just thrown on the ground without care is extremely unacceptable and something needs to be done.
Another example of seeing littering is when I was playing basketball in my front yard and a car drove by and they threw out all their garbage onto the street without a care.
I went and picked up the trash and threw it in my garbage cans. I hate seeing people littering and being disrespectful to the environment.
One solution could be to make students that need community service hours pick up garbage around Windsor. This could clean up a lot of the garbage in the city and give kids the opportunity to earn their community service hours in a way that helps the city.
Another way to reduce the amount of litter is the city needs to add more garbage cans.
I feel like this problem needs to be dealt with before it gets any worse.
James Dennis, Windsor
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