For the past few months, The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) has actively been on the lookout for innovative ideas to uplift and improve the delivery of key public services through technology and digitalisation.
With more than 100 identified problem statements, MOSTI sent out a call to innovators, software engineers, subject matter experts, as well as concerned Malaysians.
The call-to-action? To join MYHackathon 2020, a nationwide series of hackathons under the National Economic Regeneration Plan (PENJANA). The end goal was to co-create digital solutions to solve people-centric problem statements and ultimately, improve the well-being of Malaysians citizens.
For the latest updates, watch the MYHackathon 2020 Finale & Showcase livestream this Tuesday, January 26.
The problems statements were gathered from all levels of government from Federal, to State, to Local/District and were categorised under six themes; Rakyat Prihatin, Rakyat Sihat Sejahtera, Ilmu Pelita Hidup, Bina Negara, Nilai Keluarga Asas Pembangunan, and Rakyat Produktif.

36 winning teams have been selected from all across Malaysia in two categories which are Sprint and Marathon. The 18 winning Marathon teams will be building their solutions until the pilot deployment stage for the next 12 months and they will need to register a new company, if needed.

For instance, one of the Kuala Lumpur Marathon Winners, MyOKU will be working on their information and management system for persons with disabilities over the course of 2021.
You can check out a YouTube playlist of all the winners and their ideas here.
Due to the ongoing pandemic, this series of hackathons was run online, giving an opportunity to Malaysians from all walks of life to access the event to pitch their ideas before a panel of judges.
These have culminated in a finale which will be livestreamed on Cradle’s Facebook page on the 26th of January 2021.
This is an opportunity for viewers to engage with the mentors, industry experts and the participants who have experienced a National Hackathon, which is the first of its kind. The event will include speeches from: Rafiza Ghazali, Group CEO of Cradle; YBhg. Datuk Ir. Dr. Siti Hamisah Binti Tapsir, the Secretary General of MOSTI; Dr Surinasirah Pakih, a MOSTI representative; and various panel sessions.
9.35 AM | Keynote 1 | Dasar Sains Technologi dan Inovasi Negara |
10.00 AM | Panel 1 | Quadruple Helix – Digital Transformation and Innovation |
2.00 PM | Panel 2 | Innovation in Industry |
3.00 PM | Keynote 2 | Technology and Innovation Megatrend Shaping Malaysia’s Future |
Viewers can also look forward to a special keynote by YB Khairy Jamaluddin, Minister of MOSTI at the closing ceremony at 11.00 AM. After that, he will be interacting with all 18 winners online.
The 18 winners will also have the opportunity to speak with angel investors and early stage VCs before the event begins.
“Innovation keeps us hopeful for a better nation, with all things digital and technology on our side,” said Cradle, on their Facebook page. “It’s time to digitalise, streamline, simplify and even disrupt government delivery.”
- Sign up for the MYHackathon 2020 Finale & Showcase here.
- Watch the grand finale on Cradle’s Facebook page on the 26th of January 2021 from 8:30am to 3:30pm here.
- Read more of our past articles on Cradle here.
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