The initiative is aimed at raising awareness among the community members to follow social distancing and wearing masks.
Public gatherings and people refraining from wearing masks are the main factors that have caused a spike in Covid-19 cases, said a police official.
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The Ajman Police, as part of its efforts to limit the spread of the virus, launched an initiative called ‘Our commitment to Covid measures is our duty’. It is aimed at raising awareness among the community members to follow social distancing and wearing masks.
“The Ajman Police, in light of the increase in coronavirus infections, has intensified public awareness,” said Major Noura Sultan Al Shamsi, head of the media and public relations department at the Ajman Police, during a radio interview.
To prevent the spread of coronavirus infection
Stay at home if you are sick and follow your doctors instructions pic.twitter.com/dKt6YRgljZ— ajmanpoliceghq (@ajmanpoliceghq) February 4, 2021
She urged the public to adhere to the precautionary measures, specifically wearing masks, and maintaining physical distancing as one of the most important reasons for prevention.
Al Shamsi indicated that on monitoring the violations of the precautionary measures, it was revealed that some people do not adhere to the procedures, while refraining from wearing masks in shops and commercial centres, or wearing them improperly.
Police inspections also spotted more than three people without masks in a vehicle, or people travelling on a bus with more than 50 per cent of its capacity.
The violation of exceeding the number of passengers is Dh1,000 for private vehicles and Dh5,000 for the company or establishment that owns the violating bus.
Al Shamsi also referred to the violation of physical distancing and gatherings that increased in the winter season, which caused an increase in the number of Covid cases.
The police have recently detected breaches in social distancing norms in closed places, such as shopping centres and in open and public places, including parks, beaches and desert camping areas. It also fined many residents for not wearing masks in these places.
Police forced the organisers to call off a wedding celebration that included more than 150 people, who were not taking any precautionary measures. They also fined gatherings in areas that included more than 20 people.
Al Shamsi pointed out that the fine is Dh10,000 for the organisers of gatherings and Dh5,000 for each participant.
She indicated that health and community safety are more important than gatherings and celebrations, and everyone should join hands to reduce violations of precautionary measures.
Community members must contribute to containing the spread of the virus, especially for the elderly and those with chronic diseases.
Afkar Abdullah
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