BOSTON (CBS) — Tom Brady is considered the G.O.A.T. in New England (or at least most of it) and more recently, down in Florida. Bringing Super Bowl titles wherever he plays tends to have that effect.
But Brady’s G.O.A.T.ness carries over to several other states, according to BetOnline, and a lot more states than anyone else in the running for the title of “greatest of all time.”
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The company created a G.O.A.T. map of the United States by gathering geotagged Twitter data during the last week, which was a pretty big one for Brady. On Sunday, the quarterback helped lead the Buccaneers to a Super Bowl title over the Kansas City Chiefs, Brady’s seventh Super Bowl victory of his career.
More than 130,000 tweets were geo-tracked, including hashtags and direct keyword phrases about which athlete across all sports is the greatest ever. The findings show that Brady is the most popular pick for the G.O.A.T. across the country.
It’s hard to get anyone on Twitter to agree about anything, but Brady had the support of 20 states in total, clearing Michael Jordan and LeBron James by nine states each.

A G.O.A.T. map of the United States compiled by BetOnline.ag
Here are the 20 states that backed Brady’s claim as the G.O.A.T.: Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, West Virginia, South Carolina, Florida, Michigan, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana and Alaska.
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You’ll notice that Connecticut is the only New England state absent from that tally. They opted to go with Serena Williams and her 23 grand slam titles.
Jordan, who won six NBA championships with the Chicago Bulls, owned the middle of the country and some other states scattered about: Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Mississippi, Alabama, North Carolina, New York and Utah.
James, who has four titles with three different teams, was also the G.O.A.T. for 11 states: Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, New Jersey, Louisiana, Nevada, Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming and Hawaii.
Williams took home four states in total (the aforementioned Connecticut along with Minnesota, Washington and Maryland), while Peyton Manning (Indiana), Aaron Rodgers (Wisconsin), Joe Montana (California) and John Elway (Colorado) each captured one state.
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Twitter has plenty of bad things to say about Brady too, but a good chunk of the Twitterverse appears to be in agreement that Brady is indeed the greatest athlete of all time.
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