Marilyn Manson is being accused of child sex trafficking as demands the F.B.I. investigate mount. On February 1, 2021, Evan Rachel Wood publicly named Marilyn Manson as her abuser, prompting more victims to offer similar allegations against the 52-year-old. Game of Thrones actress Esme Bianco is the latest woman to share her story, and she alleges Marilyn Manson human trafficked her, as reported by Charisse Van Horn. Now, Massachusetts officials are calling for an investigation into multiple accounts of Marilyn Manson sex trafficking minors. The announcement comes as Florida officials are dealing with their own allegations of Manson sexually assaulting minors. No allegation involving sexual abuse or human trafficking of minors goes without investigation and Esme Bianco has already delivered her statement to the F.B.I. There are no specific details regarding the allegations publicly available and it’s a waiting game to see if Marilyn Manson will face charges.
Evan Rachel Wood shared a letter on her official Instagram account where Massachusetts Representative Natalie Higgins called on the F.B.I. and Department of Justice to investigate child sex trafficking allegations against the 52-year-old singer. Though details are unavailable, a situation that would fit a child sex trafficking charge could be if Marilyn Manson corresponded with minors then flew them out to attend his concerts, and engaged in sexual activity with them. At this point; however, nothing publicly explains why multiple states are calling for investigations into Manson for sex trafficking minors. Representative Natalie Higgins specifically stated in her letter that minors identified and named Brian Hugh Warner aka Marilyn Manson as their alleged abuser.
You may see Representative Higgins’ letter to the F.B.I. and the Department of Justice below.
Esme Bianco shared a chilling account of Marilyn Manson allegedly flying her to his L.A. home under the guise of filming a music video that devolved into a three-day session of torture and BDSM. According to her statement to law officials, Manson’s alleged behavior constitutes human trafficking. If Marilyn Manson behaved similarly with minors, or if he photographed or videotaped them, he could face child pornography charges.
Marilyn Manson maintains his innocence and says he had consensual relationships with women. He has not addressed the recent allegations of child sex trafficking.
Stay tuned for more on this developing story.

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