There is an atmosphere of happiness in Bawankhedi village in Uttar Pradesh’s Amroha district after the President of India has rejected the mercy petition of Shabnam and Salim, who killed seven members of their family. Earlier, the Supreme Court had upheld the death sentence of Shabnam and her lover Saleem.
Even the relatives of Shabnam are happy now. Speaking to, Shabnam’s aunt says that they are happy with Shabnam being hanged as this is what she deserved. “At the time of the incident, if we were also in the house, we would have been killed too. We reached there at midnight after the incident. We are happy with the mercy petition being rejected. Shabnam should be hanged and she deserves this,” she said. On being asked about if they will claim Shabnam’s body after she is hanged, the aunt said, “Why would we take her body? We will certainly not take it. What shall we do with the corpse of such a girl?”