
Skin pigmentation issues are disorders that manifest themselves as patches of blotchy, discolored, lighter, or darker skin than your natural skin color. The patches can cover only small areas but, in extreme cases, cover large parts of your body or even affect your whole body.
Even though skin pigmentation may not be a health risk, especially if it occurs after you’ve healed from an injury or skin inflammation; it can impact how you feel about yourself. Therefore, if you feel self-conscious about your skin, it is worth consulting about pigmentation treatment.
Keep reading this article to see your chances of removing skin pigmentations permanently. You will also learn a few tips that can help you avoid pigmentation changes depending on your risk factors.
Can we Remove Pigmentation Permanently?
When it comes to pigmentation treatment, there is a slew of options that your skin doctor may recommend to get rid of the unsightly patches. With that being said, it is safe to conclude that skin pigmentation can be cured.
Here’s the catch; it is only possible to cure skin pigmentation that occurs at the top layers of your skin. This implies that if you have a skin pigmentation disorder that has affected your skin at a deep level, it may not be easy to remove it permanently.
Therefore, the skin pigmentation treatment option you will get for that condition will only reduce the pigmentation’s appearance on your skin. For the best results or to avoid the risks of the pigmentation recurring, you will need to continually take care of your skin and use the right medications prescribed by your dermatologist.
How long does Pigmentation take to fade?
Several factors may influence how long your pigmentation takes to fade. Of note is how deep the pigmentation has affected your skin tissues.
If you’re dealing with Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH), for example, you may need to wait for 3 to 24 months for the pigmentation to clear on its own. Not all skin pigmentation issues can clear on their own, as some are basically permanent.
Therefore if you wish to speed up the rate at which your skin pigmentation is fading, you will need to work with a board-certified dermatologist to prescribe the best treatment or recommend helpful lifestyle changes to manage the disorder.
How do you Get Rid of Pigmentation Fast?
Do note that even though there are treatments that can help you get rid of pigmentation, some pigmentation disorders may not get erased. Therefore, the treatments may only lighten the patches considerably or speed up the fading time.
If you’re considering skin pigmentation treatment when planning for an event, you will need to consult with your dermatologist for a better estimate on when you can expect the full results. Here are some of the common treatment options your skin doctor may recommend to eliminate the pigmentation or make them fade quickly.
Laser Peels or Skin Resurfacing
Laser peels can help fade your pigmentation with the help of targeted beams of light. Depending on your preferences or the type of your pigmentation, you can benefit from either ablative or non-ablative lasers. Laser peel may be recommended for your pigmentation treatment if you have fairer skin.
Skin Lightening Creams or Gels
Your skin doctor may also recommend skin lightening creams or gels for fading your pigmentation. For prescription, you will mostly need to apply the cream on the affected areas of your skin once or twice daily, depending on the cream’s strength. Skin lightening creams or gels may be recommended for your pigmentation disorder if you’re dealing with flat spots like age spots or melasma.You can get retinoids for your skin pigmentation treatment as an OTC formula or prescription. They’re majorly safe for most skin types, but you may need to check with your dermatologist to determine if you’re an ideal candidate for retinoids.
Intense Pulse Light Therapy (IPL)
This is one of the most popular pigmentation treatment options. They work by stimulating collagen growth within your dermis to help with fading the pigmentation. IPL may be ideal for you if you have fairer skin.
Dermabrasion and Microdermabrasion
These treatments involve using a special type of abrasive tools to remove the affected layers of your skin. The notable difference is that microdermabrasion only deals with the epidermal layer while dermabrasion removes the epidermal layer, but its effects extend deeper to some parts of your dermal layer.
Microdermabrasion may be recommended for your pigmentation treatment if the pigmentation is due to superficial scars. It may also be ideal for you if you have fairer skin.
On the other hand, dermabrasion may be your best fit if you’re looking to fade your pigmentation quicker than in microdermabrasion. Your dermatologist may also recommend it for your skin pigmentation treatment if you have fairer skin.
How can I Stop Skin Pigmentation after Treatment?
Usually, after your pigmentation treatment, you will be given essential guidelines to follow so you can recover fast or prevent pigmentation from recurring on the same spot. If you have pigmentation risk factors, here are two things you can do to prevent pigmentation.
Do not pick at your skin: This is more important if you develop pigmentation after injuries. To significantly reduce your risks of pigmentation disorders, do not pick at scabs, acne, or even spots.
Avoid Extended Sun Exposure: If you had developed pigmentation due to sun exposure or if you are at risk, especially if you have darker skin, it would help if you avoid sun exposure. If you engage in outdoor activities that would expose you to the sun, be sure to use sunblock every time you step out into the sun. An SPF of 30+ would be fine.
Don’t Sit Back
Do you have any concerns or questions about pigmentation treatment you’re considering? Schedule a consultation with one of our board-certified dermatologists to help you determine the efficacy of the treatment and if you’re the right candidate for the treatment.
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