
In today’s news, the House hears arguments for Washington, D.C., statehood, a House Republican announced he would no longer run for reelection after accusations of sexual assault, and some corporate promises to distance themselves from politicians who voted to overturn election results are turning out to have some big, big loopholes.
Here’s what you may have missed:
• Corporate PACs like Intel, AT&T, and Cigna jump back on the GOP sedition train
• New York Republican announces retirement from Congress after being accused of sexual harassment
• Washington, D.C., statehood gets a hearing in the House
• Sedition charges in the offing for perpetrators of Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol
• Biden’s next big plan to save the country once again jeopardized by the filibuster
From the community:
• Care of a dying patient: Withdrawal of life support
• There’s a new nova in the sky, and it’s brightening
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Are corporate promises to cut off funding to those that tried to overturn the election consistent with giving to PACs that support those same lawmakers?
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Are corporate promises to cut off funding to those that tried to overturn the election consistent with giving to PACs that support those same lawmakers?
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