oi-Ajay Joseph Raj P

New Delhi, Apr 05: The Assembly Elections to the Tamil Nadu, Assam, West Bengal, Kerala and Puducherry will be held from 27 March to 29 April. Ahead of the polls, the Election Commission revealed in February that it will issue voter information slips, or VIS, instead of photo voter slips to electors.

What is a Voter Information Slip?
The Voter Information Slip (VIS) is a document that is issued by the Election Commission of India. However, the document will not have the photograph of the voter but will include information such as polling station details, date and time of the poll, etc.
Can a VIS be used as identity proof?
It can be seen that the Election Commission confirmed that VIS will not be accepted as proof of identity of voters. The poll panel had earlier discontinued photo voter slips as an identity proof on 28 February 2019.
At the time of polling, voters have to produce Electors Photo Identity Card (EPIC) or one of the following eleven photo identity documents as identity proof:
- Passport
- Driving License
- Service identity cards with the photograph issued to employees by central/state government/PSUs/public limited companies
- Passbooks with photograph issued by banks or post office
- PAN Card
- Smart card issued by Registrar General of India (RGI) under National Population Register (NPR)
- MNREGA job card
- Health insurance smart card issued under the scheme of Ministry of Labour
- Pension document with photograph
- Official identity cards issued to MPs/MLAs/MLCs
- Aadhaar card
How to get VIS?
According to the Election Commission of India, district election officers will supervise the distribution of the voter information slips to enrolled electors. The exercise will take place at least 5 days prior to the date of poll.
Voters should also be able to download their voter information slips from the National Voters Service Portal (NVSP) by following these steps:
Visit the main NVSP website: https://electoralsearch.in/
Enter the elector’s details under either of ‘search by details’ or ‘search by EPIC number’ options.
After submitting the details, the result list will display the elector’s details at the bottom of the page.
Click on ‘view details’ to see the elector’s information.
Click on ‘Print Voter Information’ to download and print the voter information slip.
The counting of votes for the 2021 Assembly elections will be announced on 2 May.
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