It doesn’t seem unreasonable to regulate some aspects of content creation on social media. For example, requiring clear and obvious notifications of content that is sponsored or is an advertisement.
What I am most concerned by is the fact that since the CRTC is the agency empowered by this bill, the actual implementation of this policy is subject to the whims of the current federal government. The CRTC reports directly to the Heritage Minister, so he can impose directives on how to regulate Canadian media.
If this is to be implemented, it makes much more sense to have an arms-length agency in charge of media regulation. For example: a Crown corporation akin to the CPP investment board, where the federal government’s shareholder votes are proxied to ministers of the provinces’ respective governments. This could act as a stabilizing force, to ensure that media regulation is not subject to the whims of the current government.
Media regulation can definitely be useful, but it seems very dangerous to hand media regulation powers to the federal government.
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