West Bengal chief secretary Alapan Bandyopadhyay on Saturday announced a Covid-19 lockdown in the state for 15 days between May 16 to May 30. This comes even as the state had some restrictions in place. Covid cases have been rising in the state in the aftermath of the Assembly Elections.
The fresh restrictions will come into force from 6 am on Sunday (16 May) and to continue till 6 pm till 30 May.
The state on Friday registered its highest single-day spike of 20,846 fresh cases, taking the total tally to 10,94,802, the health department bulletin showed. The toll rose to 12,993 after 136 more people, including five eminent doctors, succumbed to the infection.
Here’s a look at what is not allowed:
Industries and factories will remain shut.
Inter-state trains, buses and Metro services to remain shut.
All gatherings, including religious gatherings, are prohibited.
Tea gardens will operate with a 50% workforce.
Jute mills will operate with a 30% workforce.
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