oi-Madhuri Adnal

Lucknow, May 16: The Uttar Pradesh government has formed a 12-member team to deal with the challenge posed by Mucormycosis, a rare and dangerous infection called black fungus.

The team comprises experts from Sanjay Gandhi Post-Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, a government statement said.
Cases of black fungus found in few patients in Kerala
“The team will be responsible for forming rapid response teams (RRTs), making treatment protocol, ensuring availability of medicines and database of cases, sensitisation of healthcare workers for early diagnosis and management of cases as per the ICMR guidelines,” the statement said.
The high risk groups for black fungus are COVID-19 patients, those with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus (DM); Type 2 DM patients on high steroids therapy; patients receiving immuno-suppressive therapy and those in ICU for a long time.
Story first published: Sunday, May 16, 2021, 9:11 [IST]
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