Delhi: After a single-day spike of 2,81,386 COVID-19 infections, India on Tuesday again reported a slight drop in number of fresh cases of infection. As per Union Health Ministry, India reported 2,63,533 new cases, 4,22,436 discharges and 4,329 deaths in the last 24 hours.
With this, the number of total cases recorded till date are 2,52,28,996. Country’s death toll due to novel Coronavirus stands at 2,78,719. While as many as 2,15,96,512 patients have recovered and been discharged from hospitals, there are around 33,53,765 active cases of Covid-19 present across country.
- Total cases: 2,52,28,996
- Total discharges: 2,15,96,512
- Death toll: 2,78,719
- Active cases: 33,53,765
- Total vaccination: 18,44,53,149
The Union Health Ministry on Monday said that the cumulative number of Covid-19 vaccine doses administered in the country has crossed 18.44 crore with 14,79,592 doses given on Monday. As per data issued by the Centre, 6,63,329 beneficiaries in the age group of 18-44 years received their first dose of Covid-19 vaccine on Monday and cumulatively 59,32,704 people across 36 states and UTs since the start of phase-3 of the vaccination drive.
Indian Council of Medical Research reported that 31,82,92,881 samples were tested for Covid-19 up to 17th May 2021. Of these, 18,69,223 samples were tested yesterday.
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